

Your support means Kidz in Caledon receive nutritious meals, the chance to participate in recreational activities, back-to-school kits and more. Fuel 400+ BIG dreams for Caledon kids by making a donation today.

We can help create
a vibrant Caledon

We’re here to make Caledon a healthy, engaged, compassionate community - helping improve the quality of life for residents of every age.

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We are your community connection.
Caledon is where we live, play, learn and grow. Caledon is our home and together, with you we make it better for all of us.

Here’s how we
can help improve
your life in Caledon...

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From respite to accessible
transportation, your
new health plan
starts here

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  • Discover Health & Wellness Programs
  • Find Transportation Services
  • Visit the Caledon Specialist Clinic

Learn More

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Job posting to interview,
your new employment
plan starts here

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  • Find or Post a Job
  • Get FREE Employment Assistance
  • Youth Skills & Opportunities

Learn More

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From food to fitness,
your new life plan
starts here

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  • Senior, Youth & Newcomer Services
  • Shop Evolve Stores
  • Family and Home Support | The Exchange

Learn More

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